EditorialI Hate AI But It’s Fuxxing Useful09.2024Completed
Branding/ContentsPressto Magazine08.2024Ongoing
Branding TOUO - Tool Object Used Often12.2023Ongoing
Coming Soon

WebsiteGreydient Lab12.2022
Coming Soon

Branding /WebGiftee Business12.2022Coming Soon
Branding /WebTokenize Xchange12.2022
Coming Soon

BrandingRenopti04.2022Coming Soon
PosterDid You Find the Truth?03.2022
Coming Soon

EditorialVanishing Library01.2022WIP
Editorial/MotionDisposable Sounds09.2021Completed
PosterMy Body Will Not Be TOMB07.2020Coming Soon
Did you find the truth?

December 2021’s issues of South Korea were gathered and separated to COVID-19/ENVIRONMENT/RACE/GENDER. Every news was collected randomly on the internet. The question is: Do we read this news collectedly? How this news was analyzed and read? In the comments which were the reaction of the public, we could find the public’s own thinking and ideas. After that, infor- mation was changed and reassembled by people. In this poster, a process of ‘news’ to ‘public’s comments’ was reversed that ‘public’s comments to ‘news’. Participants realized the real news by taking off stickers that were written comments in front of the news. Participants will have the opportunity to judge what information was covered by what kind of response.